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WeakReferenceListT Methods

The WeakReferenceListT generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Adds an item to a list
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTAdd(T).)
Public methodAddRange
Adds the elements of the given collection to the end of this list.
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTAddRange(IEnumerableT).)
Public methodClear
Removes all items from the list and frees the array
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTClear.)
Public methodInsert
Inserts an item at a specified index
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTInsert(Int32, T).)
Public methodInsertRange
Inserts the elements of the given collection at a given index.
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTInsertRange(Int32, IEnumerableT).)
Public methodRemove
Remove an item
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTRemove(T).)
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes an item at a specified index
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTRemoveAt(Int32).)
Public methodRemoveRange
Removes a range of items
(Overrides WeakReferenceListBaseTRemoveRange(Int32, Int32).)
Extension Methods
See Also