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GraphExportToGraphSon Method (String, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, GraphSonMode)

Write the data in a Graph to a GraphSon JSON OutputStream.

Namespace:  VelocityGraph
Assembly:  VelocityGraph (in VelocityGraph.dll) Version: (11.1)
public void ExportToGraphSon(
	string filename,
	IEnumerable<string> vertexPropertyKeys = null,
	IEnumerable<string> edgePropertyKeys = null,
	GraphSonMode mode = GraphSonMode.NORMAL


Type: SystemString
the JSON file to write the Graph data to
vertexPropertyKeys (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableString
the keys of the vertex elements to write to JSON
edgePropertyKeys (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableString
the keys of the edge elements to write to JSON
mode (Optional)
Type: VelocityGraph.Frontenac.Blueprints.Util.IO.GraphSONGraphSonMode
determines the format of the GraphSON
See Also