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VertexTraverse Method (Int32, Boolean, Direction, Vertex, ISetEdgeType, ISetVertexType, ISetVertexType, ISetVertex, ISetVertex, ISetEdge, ISetEdge, ISetPropertyType, ISetPropertyType, ISetPropertyType, ISetPropertyType, FuncVertex, Boolean, FuncEdge, Boolean, FuncListEdge, Boolean)

Traverses graph from this Vertex to a target Vertex using Breadth-first search like in Dijkstra's algorithm

Namespace:  VelocityGraph
Assembly:  VelocityGraph (in VelocityGraph.dll) Version: (11.1)
public List<List<Edge>> Traverse(
	int maxHops,
	bool all = true,
	Direction dir = Direction.Both,
	Vertex toVertex = null,
	ISet<EdgeType> edgeTypesToTraverse = null,
	ISet<VertexType> includedVertexTypes = null,
	ISet<VertexType> excludedVertexTypes = null,
	ISet<Vertex> includedVertices = null,
	ISet<Vertex> excludedVertices = null,
	ISet<Edge> includedEdges = null,
	ISet<Edge> excludedEdges = null,
	ISet<PropertyType> includedVertexProperty = null,
	ISet<PropertyType> excludedVertexProperty = null,
	ISet<PropertyType> includedEdgeProperty = null,
	ISet<PropertyType> excludedEdgeProperty = null,
	Func<Vertex, bool> validateVertex = null,
	Func<Edge, bool> validateEdge = null,
	Func<List<Edge>, bool> validateEdges = null


Type: SystemInt32
maximum number of hops from this Vertex
all (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
find or not find all paths to goal Vertex
dir (Optional)
Type: VelocityGraph.Frontenac.BlueprintsDirection
Direction to traverse edges
toVertex (Optional)
Type: VelocityGraphVertex
the goal Vertex. If null, finds all paths
edgeTypesToTraverse (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetEdgeType
the type of edges to follow, by default null which means follow all edge types
includedVertexTypes (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetVertexType
the type of vertices's to follow, by default null which means follow all vertex types
excludedVertexTypes (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetVertexType
the type of vertices's not to follow, by default null
includedVertices (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetVertex
one or more Vertex instances that MUST be in the path for the path to be traversed i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does not include all the instances in includedVertices set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
excludedVertices (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetVertex
one or more Vertex instances that MUST NOT be in the path for the path to be traversed i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does include any of the instances in includedVertices set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
includedEdges (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetEdge
one or more Edge instances that MUST be in the path for the path to be traversed i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does not include all the instances in includedEdges set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
excludedEdges (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetEdge
one or more Edge instances that MUST NOT be in the path for the path to be traversed i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does include any of the instances in includedEdges set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
includedVertexProperty (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetPropertyType
One or more Vertex property types that MUST be in the path for the path to be accepted i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does not include all of the Vertex properties in the set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
excludedVertexProperty (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetPropertyType
One or more Vertex property types that MUST NOT be in the path for the path to be accepted i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does include any of the Vertex properties in the set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
includedEdgeProperty (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetPropertyType
One or more Vertex property types that MUST be in the path for the path to be accepted i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does not include all of the Vertex properties in the set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
excludedEdgeProperty (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericISetPropertyType
One or more Edge property types that MUST NOT be in the path for the path to be accepted i.e. if a path does exist to the specified toVertex, but does include any of the Edge properties in the set, the Traverse method will exclude that path
validateVertex (Optional)
Type: SystemFuncVertex, Boolean
A function that will be called before accepting a Vertex in path to toVertex. If function returns true then this vertex is accepted in path; otherwise vertex is rejected
validateEdge (Optional)
Type: SystemFuncEdge, Boolean
A function that will be called before accepting an Edge in path to toVertex. If function returns true then this Edge is accepted in path; otherwise edge is rejected
validateEdges (Optional)
Type: SystemFuncListEdge, Boolean
A function that will be called before accepting a candidate Edges list in path to toVertex. If function returns true then this Edge list is accepted in path; otherwise edge list is rejected

Return Value

Type: ListListEdge
List of paths to goal Vertex
See Also