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VelocityGraph.Frontenac.Blueprints.Util.IO.GraphSON Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:VelocityGraph.Frontenac.Blueprints.Util.IO.GraphSON"]

Public classElementFactoryContract
Public classElementPropertyConfig
Configure how the GraphSON utility treats edge and vertex properties.
Public classGraphElementFactory
The standard factory used for most graph element creation. It uses an actual Graph implementation to construct vertices and edges
Public classGraphSonReader
GraphSONReader reads the data from a TinkerPop JSON stream to a graph.
Public classGraphSonTokens
Public classGraphSonUtility
Helps write individual graph elements to TinkerPop JSON format known as GraphSON.
Public classGraphSonWriter
GraphSONWriter writes a Graph to a TinkerPop JSON OutputStream.
Public interfaceIElementFactory
A factory responsible for creating graph elements. Abstracts the way that graph elements are created. In most cases a Graph is responsible for element creation, but there are cases where more control over how vertices and edges are constructed.